c) Diffuse the knowledge of the religious aspects of Father Aloysius’ personal morality and therefore his spiritual manifestations as a religious and a priest and a soul promoting the values of life.
d) Taking note of signs that attest of Father Aloysius’ reputation of sanctity, his exercise of virtue to a heroic degree, and attributions to him of particular graces or miracles.
e) Be in charge of the printing and diffusion of an informative bulletin, which will include news about the activities of the Association, of the state of advancement of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization and of the collection of funds. This bulletin will include comments about initiatives taken by the Archbishop of Los Angeles, speaking about significant episodes of his life that have a moral value for the men and women of today, keeping always in mind the proof of this or that virtue. Naturally, members of the Association will be free to express themselves in this regard in writing or other media, and a group will be assigned to examine every piece before printing or publication.
f) Promote the collection of funds to complete the jobs listed in the aforementioned letters a)-b)-c)-d)-e).
g) It is the intent of the Association to develop broad public support for its stated cause, to promote the collection of funds to finance these objectives, and to administer the funds sent for this purpose.
h) To perform any other acts to advance the above cause and purposes consistent with the Statutes of the Association as approved by the Decree of Archbishop Jose Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California on September 8, 2014.