Although what I am about to disclose happened a long time ago, I want to share this information regarding Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF. My name is Sister Elizabeth Rivera, born in 1927 in Puerto Rico. I belong to the Congregation of the Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick, who came to the archdiocese back in 1928. I met Father Aloysius in our convent at 2131 W 27h St, Los Angeles where he would occasionally come to hear Confessions from the sisters. Through the years the memory of this man of God has accompanied me and I still keep the remembrance card given on his funeral.
When I was about 38 years old and living in this convent of Los Angeles, I had an accident in our driveway.
I went to the Post office to send a telegram to our Mother General, Carmen Lambea for her feastday on July 16. When I got back to the convent around 6:30 pm, I was in a hurry and got out of the car to close the manual gate at the entrance, unaware that I did not park the vehicle properly. Unfortunately the car started to move backwards and hit me, knocking me down. I realized I was in peril. The neighbor across the street saw me under the car and immediately called the convent and the ambulance, help came right away to rescue me. The paramedics took me to the emergency room in an orthopedic hospital, which name I cannot remember. After many questions and assessing me they found some scratches on my chest and arms and the doctor ordered X-rays of my back. The result was some small fractures on my upper body and a lot of damage to my pelvic area. During the examination I was so scared and afraid to have surgery, even though I am a nurse myself. I really prayed and thanked the Lord I was still alive. I was so grateful for the help and nursing care they poured on me in a timely manner.
When the Doctor came, whose name I don't remember either, to see me after reviewing the X-rays, he was glad that I did not need any surgery and decided to transfer me to the 2a floor. After the doctor left, the nurse came to explain the procedure and how it was meant to heal me and feel better. I was put on low back traction which is the process of applying a stretching force to the lumbar vertebrae through body weight, weights, and/or pulleys to distract individual joints of the lumbar spine. My legs were tightened and immobilized me, requiring all care to be provided. They also took care of the pain with proper medication. After two weeks of this treatment the orthopedic hospital, Father Aloysius came to visit me. He was sorry for what had happened to me. He prayed and put his crucifix on me and prayed some more. He told me: "Sister, you are going to be ok. Please pray for me!". After a few minutes he left and went to see another patient. After three days of his visit I was feeling a lot better. When the nurse came to give me an injection for pain I refused it. I told her I did not need the medication because I did not feel any pain at all. The nurse reported to the doctor this change in condition. After a couple of days when the doctor came I was so happy when he said that I was ready to start therapy, that I needed to learn how to use crutches. I was told this: "If you learn, I will let you go home." I was so thrilled to hear this. After so many years I never thought of anything beyond that.
During my life I have been in our convents in the United States. It has been only a few months since I came back to Los Angeles. I was living in our convent in the Bronx, NY for the last 35 years, which unfortunately was closed June last year.
Last November the whole community went to visit St. Gabriel Mission. Once there we stopped at the friars cemetery, we read the names and took up time.
There was one specific grave where some medals and rosaries were hanging from a cross... there I found Fr. Aloysius resting place, it was truly a blessing. That was clearly unexpected for me. Many memories came back from years long gone. Now I am reviewing my accident from a different perspective. I think my healing was a miracle. After I got discharged from the orthopedic hospital I never had any issues with my back. I have been in good health all these years, considering my age. I never had any complications or pain. This is the reason I am writing these memories, hoping to help and bring some light and knowledge about Fr. Aloysius dignity and sanctity throughout his life.
Sister Elizabeth Rivera, S. de M.
Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick
2131 West 27th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90018-3018
Tel. (323) 731–5747 Fax (323) 731-4251