Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria, C.M.F. (Click for Friends)
Who is Father Aloysius?
Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF, was the well known Basque Claretian mystic, with reputation as a miracle worker in California, especially in the Los Angles area, in the 1950's through the 1970's. During these years, even the very famous would visit him, or seek him out for advice, or in some cases, receive through his intercession miraculous cures. Father Aloysius always attributed the many graces which people received to the goodness of the Almighty God. Among his many "gifts", Father had the charism of reading souls, expelling demons, and the gift of prophesy. He became well known for his unique presence, as he reflected peace and goodness. He was always grateful to God for many graces which God granted in request to his prayers on behalf of others. Gratitude to God was, for Father Aloysius, most important.
Information about Fr. Aloysius, his life and work is presented on this wesite. Certainly Father's Basque cultural heritage is one key to understanding him. We would encourage those interested in Father Aloysius to sign up for our E-Newsletter.
Father Aloysius had an exceptional enthusiasm and love for his own founder, Saint Anthony Mary Claret. He was an ardent missionary for message of Our Lady of Fatima. He published in Soul Magazine an article entitled, "St. Anthony Mary Claret as the Perfect Forerunner of the Fatima Message."
He is also remembered for his prayer groups, or rosary guilds. His first guild, formed in 1948, was called the Immaculate Heart of Mary Guild. In all he formed a total of twelve guilds during his lifetime. In 1971 he instructed gave instructions to the laity form a "guild" to assist financially his work, the Claretian Missionaries of Perpetual Adoration. In 1972 this was renamed, the Missionaries of Perpetual Adoration.
During the last ten years of his life, he founded a religious congregation to spead the message of Fatima. He considered the work was commended to him under holy obedience by his own Superior General, Fr. Anthony Leghisa, CMF, in 1972. It may be a coincidence, but the year of 1972 is significant in the Fatima message.
Although this website is small, we believe that as more people get to know the life of this holy priest, there will be a greater interest in the work of Father Aloysius. If you have suggestions for the betterment of the site, please feel free to make them.
Yours in the Heart of Mary,
Fr. Kevin Pius Manion
Association for the Beatification and Canonization
ofFr. Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF
Father Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF
Click for Father Aloysius E-Newsletter
Brief Biography
Significant Moments in the Life of Father Aloysius
Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria, C.M.F. was born in Igorre, Spain on June 21, 1905, the Feast of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J. June 21 is date of the summer solstice, the the longest day of the year, and the beginning of summer. Fr. Aloysius was baptized the next morning on June 22, with the name Juan Luis. That year, 1905, it was the Feast of Corpus Christi. Family members recalled years later that after he was baptized a pious woman announced that he surely would become a priest one day, since he was baptized on the Feast of Corpus Christi. His baptismal record is found in the baptismal archives of the local parish church, where the ermita of San Cristobal is located in Yurre, Spain. This ermita is a short distance away from Father's family home and dates to the 9th Century.
Father Aloysius entered the Claretian Missionaries when he was 11 years old. When he was 21, on June 22, 1926, he made his "perpetual profession of vows" with the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, i.e. the Claretian Missionaries. He was ordained a priest when he was 24, in the chapel of the School of Theology in Burgos, Spain on November 3, 1929. Shortly afterwards he was sent to America, where he was a professor of Greek and Latin. While in the United States he served as prefect, novice master, superior, treasurer, spiritual director, and pastor. During the last ten years of his life he founded a religious congregation of men, the Missionaries of Perpetual Adoration.
Father Aloysius died in Los Angeles on April 6, 1981* and is buried at the San Gabriel Mission in California.
* Miscellaneous point of interest. Prior to the year 1582, the date April 6 was actually March 25th, considered the date of the Annunciation, the Incarnation, and even the date of Good Friday when Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. The Gregorian calendar, which took effect in 1582, added 11 days to the Julian Calendar, correcting for the accumulated discrepancy between the Julian calendar and the equinox as of that date.